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Fall Prevention Checklist for Your Home

Safety Checklist


Is entrance well lit?

Is entrance free of clutter?

Steps-are they even / unbroken?

Steps—non-slip surface?

Is there a railing?

Handrail on both sides of steps?

Handrail full length of steps?

Is there a Ramp?

Is the Ramp sturdy?


Can you turn on lights when you enter the room?

Are lamp, phone and extension cords out of the flow of traffic?

Are cords in good condition?

Are outlets and extension cords used in a proper manner/ not overloaded?

Is there a portable phone?

Are emergency numbers posted on or by the phone?

Do you have smoke detectors?

Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?

Are floors free of clutter, shoes, books and pet toys?

Are floors free of throw rugs and loose carpeting?

Are hallways, passageways and exits kept clear?

Are flammable and combustible products stored away

from heat sources?


Floor clear of clutter?

Are towels and curtains stored away from the stove?

Are electrical cords stored away from sink and stove area?

Is there good lighting over kitchen work areas?

Are frequently used items within easy reach?

Is the floor free of throw rugs?

Do you have a File of Life on refrigerator?


 Does shower/tub have non-skid mat, strips, decals?

Does shower/tub have grab bars?

Are there grab bars near the toilet?

Does the bathroom rug have non-skid backing?

Are electrical appliances away from water source?

Is the floor clear of clutter?

Is there a nightlight?


Are lamps or light switches within reach of the bed?

Is there a telephone near the bed?

Is the path to the bathroom clear?

Do closet doors open and close easily?

Is there a nightlight?

Is the floor clear of clutter?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you may need to make modifications to your home and/or lifestyle.  Please understand that this safety checklist is a courtesy and that Muskogee County EMS is not liable for undetected, uncorrected or future risks.

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